Mission and vision

  • Develop disciplinary and interdisciplinary scientific research of excellence with national and international collaboration in the areas of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology.
  • Maintain high productivity of national and international publications indexed, as well same research projects at a level of excellence in the country and abroad.
  • Stimulating the realization of projects of national and international interdisciplinary research.
  • Promote national and international collaboration on specific aspects of research in the areas of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology.
  • Teaching experience at the highest level in undergraduate courses of departmental responsibility.
  • Perform postgraduate teaching excellence.
  • Promote national and international collaboration on specific aspects of teaching in the areas of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology.
  • Train human resources at the graduate in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology maintaining national leadership in this area.
  • Be a center of excellence in human resource training for Latin America as a whole
  • Advise and participate in the development of public and private management and environmental planning.