Dr. Javier A. Simonetti

Hierarchy: Full Professor

Working day: Complete 44 hours

Academic degrees:

Ph.D. (1986) University of Washington, USA.

Degree in Biology (1979) Universidad de Chile. Chile.

Laboratory: Biological Conservation Laboratory

Contact: F: 2978-7264; Email: jsimonet@uchile.cl

Link capsule:






Research Line: Conservation biology

Brief description of research lines

My research focuses on the ecology and conservation of biodiversity in Latin America. We are addressing the effects of human land use and resource use upon the structure and dynamics of biodiversity in order to achieve both biodiversity conservation and the production of goods and services for human populations.

Currently we are focusing on biodiversity conservation in forestry plantations and solving the carnivore-livestock conflict. Our research aims to provide scientific information to support policy and decision-making for the use and conservation of biodiversity. Details at www.conservacion.cl and www.kauyeken.cl

Academic Portfolio:


Links (publications):





Administrative responsibilities:

2016-2018: Commission of Academic Evaluation, Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, Universidad de Chile

undergraduate teaching:

Professor Coordinator course "Biodiversity and Conservation", Faculty of Science, University of Chile

Postgraduate Teaching

Professor Coordinator, course "Conservation Biology", Graduate Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Faculty of Science & PhD program in agriculture, forestry and Veterinary Science, South Campus, Universidad de Chile,