Hierarchy: Full Professor
Working day: Partial, 6 h
Academic degrees:
Professor of Biology and Cs. Natural (1969) University of Chile. Chili
Laboratory: Phytoplankton and Bio-optical Laboratory
Contact: F: 2978-7405;Email: vivianmontecino@uchile.cl
Link capsule: https://ciencias.uchile.cl/ciencias/ciencia_para_todos_vmontecino_video.html
Research Line: Aquatic Biology and Ecosystems
Brief review of research line:
Ecosystem Ecology and landscapes, Biogeochemistry, Marine microalgae and macro algae, Limnology. Research: Phytoplankton ecology, physiology and taxonomy, marine productivity, bio-optics and patterns of chlorophyll-a of the ocean (color images). Past President and Scientia Marina Award of the Chilean Society of Marine Sciences. Studies of the invasive diatom Didymosphenia geminata in Chilean rivers. Pollution and ecosystem services of the coastal ocean, environmental and watershed management. Expert in the Humboldt current ecosystem and the Chilean fjords and channels in books and book chapters. Under review a work on harmful phytoplankton and circulation in the coastal ocean in the southern transition region (38°-46°S): mean, seasonal and interannual variability, with a focus on 2014-2016; and preparing a book on 50 years of oceanography in Chile.
Academic Portfolio:
Links (publications):
Administrative responsibilities:
2012 – 2013: Director Department of Ecological Sciences. Science Faculty. University of Chile.
2011: Deputy Director Department of Ecological Sciences. Science Faculty. University of Chile.
2006 – 2007: Executive Director of the Fisheries Development Institute (IFOP). Valparaiso.
2005 – 2006: President Commission on Accreditation Program Magister in Ecology
Research and Outreach Activities:
2015: Interview Radio Universidad de Chile Program “I want to be a scientist”.
2014 – 2015: Dissemination Workshops. FIP Project No. 2014-58 “Didymosphenia geminata (Didymo) in water bodies of the center-south Austral zone
2014: Ecological Sciences 1983-2013: Thirty years of Chilean research. Department of Ecological Sciences (Eds V. Montecino & J. Orlando). University Editorial. 299 p.
2004-2014: Dissemination of the GAP (Aquatic Primary Productivity Group) workshops as co-chairperson of the GAP working group of the International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology (SIL).
2014: Interview ¨Future Radio”.
2013: Jury of the Valentín Letelier Fund.
2011 – 2013: Dissemination workshops. Innova Chile-CORFO Project “Development of an online platform for Twin didymosphenia”.
2011: Theoretical and practical course coordinator on advances in biological aspects and control measures declared pest species Didymosphenia geminata
2011: Participation in radio program “I want to be a scientist” organized by the Faculty of Science at Radio Universidad de Chile https://ciencias.uchile.cl/ciencias/radio_ciencias.php
2006: Woman and sea, scientific research, gender and directions. Woman Generation XXI Century. Publication of the Academic Vice President, University of Chile.