Dr. Pablo Sabat Kirkwood

Hierarchy: Full Professor

Working day: Complete 44 hours

Academic degrees: Doctor of Science (1998) University of Chile. Chili.

Bachelor of Science (1992) University of Chile. Chili.

Laboratory: Ecophysiology and Ecology Laboratory Isotope

Contact: F: 2978-7297; Email: psabat@uchile.cl

Link capsule: https://ciencias.uchile.cl/ciencias/ciencia_para_todos_psabat_video.html








Research Line: Animal ecophysiology

Brief description of research lines

I have focused my research on the analysis of the physiological mechanisms that determine the distribution pattern and feeding behavior in vertebrates. The studies have been focused on intra and inter specific differences as well as ontogenetic and seasonal changes. Studies have included birds, mammals, reptiles and amphibians. I have focused my studies on the causal relationships between physiological plasticity and ecological flexibility using osmoregulatory and digestive physiology as potential physiological constraints. To address these problems, in the laboratory we use various tools, from stable isotope analysis (e.g., δ 13C, d 15N), up to determination of biochemical capacities (e.g., digestive and metabolic enzymes), systemic (e.g., renal function) and organismic (e.g., energy metabolism). 

Academic Portfolio:


Links (publications):

Research ID: E-8829-2012

Research Gate, https://www.researchgate.net/profile/P_Sabat

Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.cl/citations?user=OP0ZdHUAAAAJ&hl = en

Administrative responsibilities:

2012 – To the date: Director of Research, Faculty of Sciences

2014 – To the date: Member of the Faculty Evaluation Committee

2015 – To the date: Member of the Commission Qualifying School

Research and Outreach Activities:

2010 – To the date: Visits and talks to students from schools in the metropolitan region