Dr. Rodrigo Medel

Hierarchy: Full Professor

Working day: Complete 44 hours

Academic degrees:

Doctor in Biological Sciences (1993) Pontifical Catholic University of Chile. Chili.

Graduate in Biology (1989) Pontifical Catholic University of Chile. Chili.

Laboratory: Ecology Laboratory Interactions

Contact: F: 2978-7355; Email: rmedel@uchile.cl

Link capsule:






Research Line: Evolutionary ecology of plant-animal interactions.

Brief review of research line:

I am broadly interested in the evolutionary ecology of plant animal interactions. In my research I use diverse model systems and a range of fieldwork and statistical methodologies to understand the way historical, coevolutionary, and contemporary processes influence the evolution of species interactions and biodiversity. Currently, my grant research consists on understanding the role played by phylogenetic and ecological factors on plant-pollinator network structure at local and regional scales in the Chilean Mediterranean ecosystem.

Academic Portfolio:



Links (publications):



Administrative responsibilities:

2006-2008: Director of Department

Research and Outreach Activities:

– Coordinating Professor: Evolutionary Biology

– Coordinating Professor: Topics in Philosophy of Science

– Coordinating Professor: Evolutionary Ecology

– Collaborating Professor: General Ecology

Research and Outreach Activities:

  • How to distinguish between science and pseudoscience? History of the demarcation criterion. AECH, Citerior Auditorium, Santiago.
  • Philosophical elements of Darwinism. Scientific Chile, Citerior Auditorium, Santiago.
  • History of evolutionary thought. SPACH extension course, Santiago Library.
  • What do we investigate in evolutionary ecology? Catholic University of Valparaíso.
  • History of evolutionary thought. SPACH extension course, Santiago Library.
  • Interaction networks in an anthropogenic landscape. Pumahue School.
  • History of evolutionary thought. SPACH extension course: Chronicles of ancient life. Santiago Library.
  • I want to be a Scientist. Radio University of Chile.
  • Origin of life and evolution. SPACH extension course: Chronicles of ancient life. Santiago Library.
  • Biological evolution: some evidence for unbelievers. II Congress of atheistic thought. Santiago de Chile.
  • From the primate to the secular man. Hendaia, Chilean Atheism Society.
  • Evolution of species and man. II Congress of Atheism, Chile.
  • Origin of life and history of evolutionary thought. SPACH extension course: Chronicles of ancient life. Santiago Library.
  • Structure of mutualistic networks in an anthropogenic landscape. Oikos Group, Beauchef Engineering, University of Chile.
  • Potential invaders to the Conguillío National Park. CONAF Information Center, Conguillío PN.
  • Darwin Cycle, Nietzsche, Freud: what did they see, what did they leave? Center for Public Studies, Santiago.
  • History of evolutionary thought. SPACH extension course: Chronicles of ancient life. Santiago Library.
  • History of evolutionary thought. SPACH extension course: Chronicles of ancient life. Santiago Library.
  • Visual guide Flora Llanos de Challe National Park. 1000 copies.
  • The ecological scenario and Darwinian work. Darwinism and Biological Evolution Conference. Extension Center of the Catholic University of Maule, Talca.
  • The ecological scenario and Darwinian work. V Congress of the AEBCH (Association of Biology Students of Chile). Aula Magna Campus San Joaquín, P. Catholic University of Chile.
  • The ecological scenario and Darwinian work. Darwin Day in America: journey of a naturalist. National Library.
  • Darwin: origin and legacy of a revolutionary idea. Scientific Cafes. Directorate of Extension, University of Concepción.
  • Visual guide Flora Los Ruiles National Reserve and surroundings. 1000 copies
  • Icarito Series, Science and the Threatened World, 20 fascicles.
  • Explora Program (8th Basic, F. Camilo Henríquez School, San Joaquín, Santiago).
  • Ecology for secondary school teachers.
  • Agenda XXI Program, Radio University of Chile,
  • Meeting with the University, 3 Middle, Faculty of Law,.
  • Basic education students talk (Altamira School).
  • 1990. Talk to basic education students (College Rubén Darío).