Hierarchy: Associate professor
Working day: Complete 44 hours
Academic degrees:
PhD in Sciences, mention in Microbiology (2008) Universidad de Chile. Chile.
Job title:
Microbiologist (2003) National University of Río Cuarto. Argentina.
Laboratory: Microbial Ecology Laboratory.
Contact: F: 2978-7401; Email: jorlando@u.uchile.cl
Link capsule:
Research Line: Microbial Ecology and Environmental Microbiology
Brief review of research line:
Our research includes various topics within the areas of environmental microbiology and microbial ecology, especially we focus on determining the diversity of microbial communities in various environments, biotic and abiotic factors affecting, and in determining certain activities they perform. We use both classical breeding and molecular biology tools.
We are currently determining the influence of settlements Antarctic marine animals on the diversity of bacterial communities edaphic, with emphasis on those involved in the nitrogen cycle, and factors that determine the successful establishment of inter-specific associations using as cianolíquenes model, including representatives of gender Peltigera growing in southern Chile.
Academic Portfolio:
Links (publications):
Research ID: E-1399-2014
Research gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Julieta_Orlando
Google academic: https://scholar.google.es/citations?user=-GORChcAAAAJ&hl=es
Administrative responsibilities:
2014 to date: Teacher coordinator (Biology Department) of the Pedagogy in Secondary Education in Biology and Chemistry. Faculty of Science and Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities, University of Chile.
2014 to date: Board Member of the Undergraduate School. Faculty of Science, University of Chile.
2015 to date: elected member of the Board of the Department of Ecological Sciences. Faculty of Science, University of Chile.
Visiting Professor: Diploma of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology.