Hierarchy: Full Professor
Working day: Complete 44 hours
Academic degrees:
Ph.D in Botany (1971), University of California, USA.
Job title:
Laboratory: Systematics Laboratory and Plant Ecology
Contact: F: +56 2 29787345 / +56 2 996224194; Email: southern@uchile.cl
Link capsule:
Research Line: Reproductive ecology and biogeography
Brief review of research line:
My main research topic is the reproductive biology of plants, specifically the evolution of reproductive systems and pollination in high mountain ecosystems and genera. He had previously shown that at the community level, reproductive systems and the availability of pollinators are not necessarily related, and although pollinators become increasingly scarce with altitude, the probability of pollination does not decrease in the upper part of the Cordillera. of the Andes as a consequence of the greater longevity of the flowers. Currently my students and I are investigating altitudinal patterns in other reproductive traits such as the number of ovules per flower and the size and shape of the seeds in a phylogenetic context. We are also studying the contribution of phylogenetic relationships versus environmental variables in the patterns of flowering and fruiting in high Andean species. My second area of research is biogeography. We are currently studying the patterns of phylogenetic diversity in tree species in Chile and in the territories that correponden to Gondwana. Finally, I continue with my interests in the area of biological conservation and more recently on the impacts of climate change on flora. With respect to the previous one, we are modeling the impact of climate change on high Andean species, and participated as Coordinating Lead Author in the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) Assessment of Biodiversity and Ecosystems Services in the Americas.
Academic Portfolio: