

(562) 2978-7359
(562) 2978-7334


Dr. Luis Felipe Hinojosa O.


  • Paola Poch. PhD in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Chile.
  • Liliana Londono. PhD in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Chile.
  • Nataly Glade. PhD in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Chile.
  • Jeanette Muñoz. Master in Biological Sciences, University of Chile.
  • Nataly Glade. Master in Biological Sciences, University of Chile.
  • Stephany Diaz Branada. Biology with a minor in Environment, University of Chile.
  • Jeanette Muñoz Vera. Biology with a minor in Environment, University of Chile.
  • Barbara Maldonado. Biology with a minor in Environment, University of Chile.
  •  Francisca BrionesAreas of current research include (i) geographic variation on behavior and life histories, (ii) use of marginal habitats within the geographic distribution, (iii) the influence of climatic extremes, including altitudinal and latitudinal ones, and (iv) the influence of environmental adjustments on reproductive behavior and immunocompetence. On laboratory research, we assess operant conditioning behavior and decision making. Our fieldwork research occurs all over Chile. Biology with a minor in Environment, University of Chile.
  • Pious Palma. Biology with a minor in Environment, University of Chile.


Research Lines

Biogeography, paleoecology, evolutionary biology, ecology and botany.

The aim of my investigation is to understand the distribution, composition, richness and abundance patterns of southern South American vegetation, along different climate change scenarios during the Cenozoic era (last 65 Ma). Thus, our work has focused on paleoclimatic estimation during this period, including changes at scales of millions and thousands of years. The responses of vegetation to these past climatic changes have been addressed by estimating changes in diversity patterns, both at the level of floristic assemblages and also associated with genetic diversity. This approach allows us to better understand modern ecosystems and improve our predictions about how it can change in the future, given that ecosystems represent the end result of a long series of interactions. This line of research is the result of the joint activity between doctoral, masters and undergraduate students who are part of the Paleoecology laboratory of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Chile.

Our Graduates (since 2000):

  • 2019. Peace Montenegro. PhD in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Chile.
  • 2017. Dr. Nestor Mauricio Guitiérrez. Doctorate in Sciences m/Geology, University of Chile.
  • 2013. Dr. Ricardo Segovia. PhD in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Chile.
  • 2010. Dr. Paola Jara. PhD in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Chile.
  • 2019. María José Dibán. Master of Science, University of Chile.
  • 2019. Liliana Londoño. Master of Science, University of Chile.
  • 2017. Alejandra Vidal. Master in Biological Sciences, University of Chile.
  • 2017. Juan Pablo Pino. Master in Biological Sciences, University of Chile.
  • 2017. Katherine Otárola. Master in Biological Sciences, University of Chile.
  • 2016. Mauricio Bosshard. Master in Biological Sciences m/ Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Chile.
  • 2016. Francisco Salinas. Master in Biological Sciences m/ Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Chile.
  • 2014. Francisca Campano. Master in Biological Sciences m/ Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Chile.
  • 2013. Francy Carvajar. Master in Biological Sciences m/ Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Chile.
  • 2012. Mariela Aguilera. Master in Biological Sciences m/ Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Chile.
  • 2011. Nestor Mauricio Guitiérrez. Master in Biological Sciences m/ Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University
  • from Chile.
  • 2010. Ricardo Segovia. Master in Biological Sciences m/ Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Chile.
  • 2010. Peace Montenegro. Master in Biological Sciences m/ Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Chile.
  • 2009. Vinka Anic. Master in Biological Sciences m/ Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Chile.
  • 2019. Stephany Diaz. Biologist with a mention in Environment, University of Chile.
  • 2018. María José Dibán. Biologist with a Major in Environment, University of Chile.
  • 2017. Nataly Glade. Biologist with a Major in Environment, University of Chile.
  • 2017. Kevin Wandersleben. Biologist with a Major in Environment, University of Chile.
  • 2016. Camilo Díaz. Biologist with a Major in Environment, University of Chile.
  • 2014. Francisco Salinas. Biologist with a Major in Environment, University of Chile.
  • 2011. Mauricio Bosshard. Biologist with a Major in Environment, University of Chile.
  • 2009. Vinka Anic. Biologist with a Major in Environment, University of Chile.
  • 2009. Isabel Sandoval. Biologist with a Major in Environment, University of Chile.

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