The International Union of Biological Sciences (IUBS) was established in 1919 as a non-governmental, non-profit organization comprised of National Academies and International Scientific Associations and Societies. Since then, IUBS functions as a global platform of scientists of all disciplines and nationalities for cooperation, interaction and collaboration to promote research, training and education in life sciences.
To commemorate the completion of 100 years of promoting excellence in life sciences, IUBS has launched a series of webinars that bring together the best disciplines to discuss evolution, taxonomy, ecology, biodiversity, and other topics that represent unified biology and the issues of prime importance to address contemporary issues such as climate change, endangered species, food and nutrition, health, etc.
The first lecture in the webinar series was delivered by Rattan Lal, 2020 World Food Prize winner at“Forget the ground” he October 2, 2020.
The second lecture in the webinar series will be delivered by Sean B. Carroll, an award-winning biologist, educator, film producer, author, and science communicator.
“The Serengeti Rules: Regulation and Restoration of Biodiversity”
Second Conference of the Webinar Series

“The Serengeti Rules: Regulation and Restoration of Laureate Biodiversity”
Date: March 10, 2021 Hour: 1:00 PM GMT
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Download the event brochure hereAreas of current research include (i) geographic variation on behavior and life histories, (ii) use of marginal habitats within the geographic distribution, (iii) the influence of climatic extremes, including altitudinal and latitudinal ones, and (iv) the influence of environmental adjustments on reproductive behavior and immunocompetence. On laboratory research, we assess operant conditioning behavior and decision making. Our fieldwork research occurs all over Chile.

About the speaker
Sean B. Carroll is an award-winning scientist, author, educator, and film producer. He heads the Department of Science Education at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI), is the Chief of HHMI Tangled Bank Studios,and is the Andrew and Mary Balo and Nicholas and Susan Simon Endowed Chair in Biology at the University of Maryland. He is also Professor Emeritus of Genetics and Molecular Biology at the University of Wisconsin.
He is an internationally recognized evolutionary biologist, and his research has focused on genes that control animal body patterns and play an important role in the evolution of animal diversity. In recognition of his scientific contributions, he has received the Benjamin Franklin Medal in Life Sciences, has been elected a member of the National Academy of Sciences and the American Philosophical Society, named a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and the Association American for the Advancement of Science, and elected as an Associate Member of the European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO).
A prominent science communicator on paper, on radio, and on television, Carroll is the author of several books. He is a winner of theLewis Thomas Award Science Writing – an award that honors “the weird guy” that unites the worlds of science and humanities.
Carroll has served as an executive or executive producer in charge of several feature films or documentary series. His documentary,The Serengeti Rules has won the Emmy for Best Nature Documentary along with several other top awards at numerous film festivals around the world. Based on the Sean B. Carroll book and co-produced by HHMI Tangled Bank Studios and Passion Pictures,The Serengeti Rules it has the power to change the way nature is viewed.
You can find more details about the speaker inhttps://www.seanbcarroll.
About the Conference
Everything in nature is regulated – from the number of vital molecules in our bloodstream to the number of lions in an African savanna. In the last fifty years, two revolutions in biology have developed to understand the regulation of life at these two scales.
In this lecture, Dr. Carroll will discuss the discovery of the “Serengeti Rules”, the ecological rules that regulate the numbers and types of animals and plants in a given place, and how they are being applied to restore some of the greatest deserts on the planet.
(Additional details on this topic fromhttps://www.seanbcarroll.
The search to discover
How life works and why it matters
How does life work? How does nature produce the right number of zebras and lions in the African savanna, or fish in the ocean? How do our bodies produce the correct number of cells in our organs and bloodstream? In Serengeti Rules, award-winning biologist and author Sean Carroll tells the stories of the pioneering scientists who sought answers to such simple but profoundly important questions and shows how their discoveries matter for our health and the health of the planet we depend on.
One of the most important revelations about the natural world is that everything is regulated, there are rules that regulate the amount of each molecule in our bodies and rules that govern the number of each animal and plant in nature. And the most surprising revelation about the rules that regulate life at different scales is that they are remarkably similar, there is a common underlying logic of life. Carroll recounts how our deep knowledge of the rules and logic of the human body has spurred the advent of revolutionary, life-saving medicines and makes the compelling argument that now is the time to use the Serengeti Rules to heal our ailing planet.